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Friday, December 5, 2014

(DWTD's) Top Ten EP's of 2014

This is a list of the top most favorite EP's that i've listened to many times over and stood out.


Artist: Outlier
Album: Seasons
Genre: Melodic Hardcore
Label: Unsigned


Im a very huge fan of Melodic Hardcore bands. Counterparts (Who these guys sound like), Of Virtue, The Ghost Inside, Open Fire etc. So when i found these guys going through my usual Bandcamp searches under the Melodic Hardcore tag i was surprised when i came across this beauty. It was just one song at the time and no date for the EP in sight. But when it released all bets were off. Its cleanly produced and fits Melodic Hardcore to a tee.



Artist: Lesser Key
Album: Self-Titled
Genre: Progressive Rock
Label: Sumerian


First of all did you know this is a new band the bassist Paul D'Amour of Tool created? That was my first must listen to cue. After listening to it once i couldn't stop it was so good. This is pretty much what you would expect a member of one the greatest prog metal bands to create. it has the Toolesque sound to it. Can't really explain more to it. If you love Tool then you have to try it.



Artist: Hands Like Houses
Album: Reimagine
Genre: Acoustic/Post-Rock
Label: Rise Records


Yeah HLH is in this list because im totally biased when it comes to these guys. Everything they release is gold. Granted when i first about an acoustic EP i was skeptical but not all too skeptical. Because in all honestly if a band could pull off an acoustic rendition album... Its HLH that can. It was beautifully recreated in acoustic full band sound.



Artist: Too Close to Touch
Album: Self-Titled
Genre: Post-Rock
Label: Epitapth Records


Ex members of an older post-hardcore band known as Cascades (Correct me if im wrong) these guys came out of nowhere. At least for me they did. I never found out about them until i saw them plastered on sites i visit. EP is amazing. Catchy, all cleans, great rocky sound.



Artist: Writhen
Album: Condemned
Genre: Melodic Deathcore
Label: Unsigned


Melodic is kinda thrown out there nowadays in the Deathcore world. But these guys do it right. After my first listen it was like, Dam! Its crazy melodic. Like Mors Principium Est. & The Black Dahlia Murder if they had a kid.



Artist: Osatia
Album: Sky People
Genre: Post-Hardcore
Label: Unsigned


This band released a 2 track EP back in 2012 and i instantly liked them alot. Vocals reminded me of I Am Abominations Phil Druyer back then. This EP however was with a completely different vocalist. You know A Skylit Drive and im sure some of you thought this is a chick right? Well your gonna think that with this bad boy. Its not a bad thing though. Im a huge fan of ASD. EP was spectacular.



Artist: Varisty
Album: Lights
Genre: Post-Hardcore
Label: We Are Triumphant Records


This is your standard Post-Hardcore release. In all honestly. The only reason its so high up on this list here is that the songs are catchy as fuck! Especially track 3 Alien. Im a sucker for guy/girl duet like songs. They both fit it perfectly.



Artist: Enterprise Earth
Album: 23
Genre: Deathcore
Label: We Are Triumphant Records


Members of Lacuna Coil & Infant Annihilator make up this Deathcore outfit. Dan Watson (Infant Annihilator Vocalist) Is a great deathcore vocalist. This EP is the best Deathcore deathcore EP that came out this year. Hands down. Has all the elements you love in Deathcore.



Artist: Avestera
Album: Breathing Hope
Genre: Alt/Post-Rock
Label: Unsigned


If you like Hands Like Houses type of bands that are border Post-Hardcore/Post/Rock bands then this is the EP for you. Its catchy that it makes u sing along even though you have no idea what the words are. Has rock heavy songs and softer songs. Reflections the soft song is just amazing to me.



Artist: The Alchemy Index
Album: Salvation
Genre: Post-Hardcore/Rock
Label: Unsigned


So the one band The Words We Use had members leave to form this band. The first song they released A Bitter Township was fantastic. I was left dying for more. Finally the EP in full was released and it was glorious! Even though it was shitty quality (VBR V2/128). Even with that bad quality i couldn't keep myself from not listening to it. Its beautifully written in all aspects. Catchy with cleans and just sounds like beauty. If Beauty has a sound this is it.


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